Our Learning Environment
At Southern Grove, we are committed to providing a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment in order to promote a sense of wonder, exploration, investigation and interest. We use a rich range of materials, resources and opportunities in which our students can engage, learn and develop their skills.
Our learning environments are reflective of the Walker Learning Approach and are set-up with intention; reflecting students' developmental stages, ideas, strengths, interests, culture and needs.
Our students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are engaged in creative and open-ended learning experiences and are provided with opportunities which allow them to work alone or with others.
At Southern Grove, our facilities and resources are used flexibly and with purpose to foster student learning, development and well-being.
There is a strong link between the outdoor and indoor learning environments at Southern Grove Primary. We view our outdoor spaces as equal to indoor space and extremely important in learning for children. Outdoor learning provides the opportunity for sensory experiences, promotes creativity and allows students to move freely during investigation time.

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