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Our Early Years Program

Developing a solid basis and foundation of learning for children in the early years is vital to their development and future success. At Southern Grove Primary School our pedagogy is based on the Walker Learning Approach (WLA) which is an Australian-designed, developmentally appropriate pedagogy that embraces the concept of the 'whole child' and the explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Developmentally appropriate evidence-based practices have been adopted allowing educators to nurture each child's social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.


Building relationships is one of our major intentions at Southern Grove Primary School. We understand that strong relationships between educators and children are paramount in ensuring the success of every child.


At SGPS children are engaged in authentic, meaningful learning experiences through planned, proactive and intentional play-based learning. Learning environments are rich with provocations for children to explore and investigate and for staff to extend, support and scaffold children in their learning, development and acquisition of skills. We embrace culture, family and relationships within and beyond our community as major influences in a child’s learning. We understand that all children are born with the natural ability to learn and develop by exploration, investigation and explicit instruction.


High quality teaching and learning programs will be centred on the Walker Learning Approach, guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standards (NQS) and will follow the West Australian Curriculum.

Southern Grove Primary School Early Learning Classroom


34 Lockway St, Southern River W.A 6110


08 9234 7700



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